frequently asked questions

  • Where can I buy/find Lazzari products?

    You will find our charcoal products available at the largest Food Distributors across the United States. For your convenience we have warehouses in Birmingham Alabama, Niles Illinois and our main warehouse in Nogales Arizona.

  • Are you still available in the Bay Area?

    J and J culinary is our authorized distributor in Brisbane California. You may contact J and J Culinary LLC at (415) 467-2972 or at orders@jandjculinary.com

  • How much does it cost?

    We keep our prices competitive while maintaining the best quality in our products. We offer FOB prices from our three warehouses as well as delivered cost based on quantities. Our typical customer will ship full truckloads.

  • Do you sell to individuals?

    We have a significant presence in selected retail stores, including Safeway.

  • Where can I find more information about your services and pricing?

    Please contact us at info@lazzari.com or give us a call at 520-510-0321